The Use of London Slang in Writing and Screenplay with Bob Sterry

The Use of London Slang in Writing and Screenplay with Bob Sterry

The Use of London Slang in Writing and Screenplay with Bob Sterry was created in collaboration with The Literary Arts Committee of The Clackamas County Arts Alliance. In this video, Bob explores common English slang terms used in popular British TV shows and other media. He starts by giving us a well-known example, the 26-year-running TV show The Bill. Ironically, “the bill” is a slang term for ‘the police’ in Britain, which is also the theme of the show.


Renton – A Short Story by Bob Sterry. Renton was aware of what had happened the moment he awoke. Like most middle aged men at the declining end of that age, his waking moments were not usually a joyous realization that life, his life, was continuing, and could be expected to be replete with fresh new experiences, br…

London Road

London Road – Poetry by Bob Sterry. That short wispy haired lady; Fighting her way against the wind; Up the London Road; Is my Mother.; Lips pursed she is returning; From the hairdressers, the post office; And has yet to pick up steak a…

Betty’s Laptop

Betty’s Laptop – A Short Story by Bob Sterry. Also known as ‘Wishing Keys’. Neither Bob nor Betty had any idea what half a century of living with the same person meant when they were married in a decade when traditional ceremonies were still popular. In particul…

Yellow Pole Theater on the MAX

Yellow Pole Theater on the MAX – Poetry by Bob Sterry. Episode 1 – I smiled at them; And their small child in his stroller; Only the man smiled back; Climbing aboard the southbound MAX; Clinging to the yellow poles; Framed by the yellow poles; In a transit theater.